Do You Need To Empty Drawers For House Movers? Find The Answer!

A question that often homeowners ask is whether you can leave your dresser or drawers full of clothes and usual stuff when moving home. Or it's best to empty the drawers before the house movers in London arrive.

Well! The answer depends on a few things. To find out whether it's best to leave your drawers empty completely or not, keep scrolling!

Should You Empty Your Drawers For The House Movers?

Your dresser or chest of drawers presents a confusing range of possibilities. Will you take the drawers out while keeping them loaded? Or you can leave them in but empty the clothes and stuff? 

You will get the answer from the following part.

house movers

Empty The Drawers

If you have lots of personal stuff in your drawers that you don't want accidentally falling out or being seen, you can empty the drawers.

The advantage of emptying the dresser or drawers is that you give the house movers in London the space. You reduce the workload as well as remove the obstacles. 

In addition, the empty drawers can get put back into the chest once loaded into the vehicle. You can save some space and keep them secure for transport.

Keeping The Drawers Back After Emptying Them

If space is tight and there's a risk of the drawers flying out, you need to keep the dresser drawers safe or remove them for carrying. You can stop them from opening by taping them shut with duct tape. Do not use sellotape as it's not strong enough. The better option is to remove them for carrying if it's a rather expensive item that you don't want duct tape stuck all over.

Leaving The Drawers Out After Emptying Them

If it is a big heavy oak drawer, you can take out the drawers to reduce the weight. And it is beneficial to make carrying the chest more manageable, or even possible in certain extreme cases.


Removing The Drawers Out But Keeping Them Intact

You can take them out but just leave all your clothes and other stuff in them. Homeowners often keep personal and confidential belongings in their drawers and may not want to keep these in an open container during the move.

Hire Professional House Movers In London! 

Are you looking for professional house movers in London? You can rely upon Mario Moving blindly. They have professional removalists that take extra care of your furnishings during the move. To contact them, visit right now!
